The final two features relate to warding off vampires, and it's that vampires can be repelled with garlic and the vampire resistance cocktail, and more interestingly, if a human sim despises a vampire and has an ultimate vampire cure cocktail in their inventory, then they can 'slay' a vampire for a chance to return them back into their human form. Vampires who drink from a possessed sim (from The Sims 4 Strangerville game pack) will temporarily become possessed themselves, and vampires can be a dual occult sim, as a hybrid with ghosts. The eight things you didn't know include that vampires don't have a reflection in the mirror, they can be used to kill other sims with the influence emotion power, they can easily overcome their weakness to light and they can use coffins to hibernate indefinitely, freezing their needs as their vampiric energy restores. Please like and comment, and Subscribe here: bit.ly/2ZM0L4h

This covers a wide range of little-known vampire features, and it should be noted that vampire sims come with The Sims 4 Vampires Game Pack. A guide looking at 8 things or fun features that you likely didn't know about vampires in The Sims 4.