So it was then that, to my mild surprise, I booted up Allied Assault to discover that it begins (after a bout of being shown how to duck under barbed wire, and how to throw grenades through Playschool-style windows) in the back of a truck in North Africa, and not in a floating metal tray somewhere on the English Channel accompanied by Tom Hanks. The deluge of WW2 shooters that followed Allied Assault (predominantly through the wares of Infinity Ward, the splinter group that had been a huge chunk of MOH creators 2015, or EA's attempts to spin out its franchise) has not only meant that gameplay locations in Northern France have been utterly rinsed, but nigh-on FIFA-esque yearly WW2 updates also mean that there was rarely any particular reason to go back to the game that first introduced the glorious ping of an M1 Garand reload. Everyone remembers the dash from cover to cover on Omaha beach and a few other notable scenes, but everything else is mired in things that may or may not have been in Call of Duty or Brothers in Arms, and the order in which it all takes place in-game will be entirely unstuck.

The only rock solid facts that remain are the tale's foundations - whether that's to do with the number of bananas imported during the war years, or which of their neighbours put it around with the American Airmen.Īsk gamers of advancing years about what happened in Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, development ancestor of this month's big release Modern Warfare 2, and you'll get similar responses.

Over the years what he said, what she said, times and places have become confused or expanded for entertainment value.

Sit old people down and ask them to tell the same story and you're generally in for a confusing time.