Some weapon effect and sound replacements. 103 total New Planet Landscapes available for Game Editor use, including Star Trek specific 'Race Homeworld' Landscapes. Select Star Trek Resource images and Component additions. Rumors of Crystalline Entity sightings (replaces the Silvermist), see Galactopedia article for more info. Minimum garrisoned troop per colony set to 4 for defense against invasion or pirate raids. Each Race may have their own specific diplomacy music (located in the Sounds\Effects\\folder)Ĥ Files appropriately named: diplomacyMoodAngry ~ diplomacyMoodHappy ~ diplomacyMoodMenacing ~ diplomacyMoodNeutral Das123 has created his "Das Chrome for Star Trek PE Mod v2.0" UI mod which is fully compatableĪnd is the UI and graphics used in his YouTube "Let's Play Star Trek The Picard Era" Version 1.0 and 2.0 mod recordings. Each Race has their own specific Star Trek UI icons and graphics (located in the images\UI\chrome\\folder) New Race Family: Biomechanical (Borg & Bynars) New Governments included - Hegemony, Religious Unity (Race Specific ~ Bajoran only) and Federation (Race Specific ~ Federation (UFP) only) The Borg race shipset size-scaled to near-canon (at least closely!) May require more balance tweaking, please report any issues. Over 1,000 Star Trek Milky Way Galaxy systems in the UFP map (Included in the 'maps' folder) System names - Over 8,500 Star Trek and other astronomical system names can be generated for variety. Music - 44 tracks from Star Trek The Next Generation's first 3 seasons composed by Ron Jones (Fair Use Respected), plus others. Flagshapes - All races have their own flag and color schemes. Dialogue - All races have their own dialog. Troop images - All races have their own set. Characters - Currently 750+ character images, over 1500 characters (some share a generic image) The 8472 Barbarians have their own shipset. Pirate factions share 2 specific shipsets. 5 playable, static minor races share a generic shipset. Shipsets - 25 playable races have their own shipset. THE ORION SYNDICATE, THE MAQUIS, THE 8472 BARBARIANS & THE KORGOTH PRIVATEERS (The Shakturi and Mechanoid DW Races are not playable but are available for non-canon DW play.)ĪNDORIAN, BAJORAN, BENZITE, BORG, BREEN, CARDASSIAN, CHALNOTH, DOMINION, FEDERATIONįERENGI, GORN, HIROGEN, KAZON, KLINGON, KTARIAN, NAUSICAAN, REMAN, ROMULAN, SHELIAK,ħ PLAYABLE BUT 'STATIC' (They will assault, but do not colonize) MINOR RACESĪCAMARIAN, ANTICAN, BYNARS, CALDONIAN, LURIAN, MALON & VIDIIAN Lead Developer & Trek Team Manager: ehsumrell1ģ0 TOTAL PLAYABLE STAR TREK RACES & 4 PIRATE GROUPINGS ***Distant Worlds:Universe ~ STAR TREK THE PICARD ERA v2.0 *** I'm not sure I understod the question, but since I installed this mod, I report the readme1st.txt: